Welcome to our new Lord Dean

We are delighted to welcome our new Lord Dean, Euan Begg, who will spend three years in office, following in the footsteps of Michael Gaffney.

Euan (left) presents predecessor Michael with his Ex-Lord Dean medal.

Euan has been a Guildryman for more than a quarter of a century, serving on the committee of management for 12 years.

During his time as Lord Dean of Guild, Euan is keen to build on the charitable donations made to young people and the sporting community.

Euan is also determined to enhance and promote opportunities for local girls playing football, by supporting a range of initiatives.

“The Guildry has a proud and long-standing record of providing further education bursaries, supporting the vulnerable and disadvantaged and distributing grants to organisations and groups which enhance the quality of life locally,” said Euan.

Past Lord Dean Gaffney undertook to increase the number of defibrillators in the community, ensuring potentially life-saving units were provided for the village of Wolfhill, Fair City and Wolfhill amateur football clubs, Guildtown Community Council and Bertha Park High School.